Upcoming Events

Books With Bling
Date: November 10, 2024
1725 Arden Way, Sacramento
2 pm to 5pm
Barnes and Noble in Arden mall Sacramento is hosting me THIS SATURDAY 11/10 from 2 pm to 5pm. I’ll have copies of The Fortune Teller’s Prophecy with me.I’d love to meet ANY folks who can make it in person and I will sign their book. The “bling” refers to the new award stickers I just got that will adorn the books…So if you have friends who live in Sacramento, please tell them to stop by. No purchase necessary! I will have fortune cookies for anyone who wanders in… you never know… it may come true!

Stories On Stage
Date: Sun December 8, 2024
2001 2nd Street, Davis, CA
4 pm to 6 pm
Please come to listen to the Stories On Stage adaption of my memoir, "The Fortune Teller's Prophecy". Free admission. Lots of Parking. Beer! Sudwerks is open until 7pm if you want to eat after the performance.